Personal Loan


Residents of Breda municipality can apply for a personal loan (credit) from Kredietbank West-Brabant. You apply for a loan online. Log in with your DigiD. You will receive a response to your application after 14 days at the latest.

A loan is not intended for paying off debts. If you have debts, you can register for Help with money problems or debts (Hulp bij geldzorgen of schulden).

Conditions and what you need to know


  • You can apply for a loan from Kredietbank West-Brabant if you live in Breda and you are unable to borrow from your own bank.
  • If you are under the age of 65, your income may not exceed 130% of the statutory minimum wage.

What you need to know

  • Getting a loan depends on your personal situation, why you want to borrow the money and an assessment through the Credit Registration Office (Bureau Krediet Registratie - BKR).
  • You can also get a loan if you have already registered with the BKR.
  • A Kredietbank loan is always registered with the BKR.
  • The amount of the loan depends on your ability to pay this back (financially).
  • The interest is fixed for the entire repayment period. The Annual Costs Percentage (Jaarlijkse Kosten Percentage) is set at 3.5%. These are all costs including the interest. 
  • With this loanscan ( in dutch) you can find out if you are eligible for a loan.

Example amounts

Loan amountMonthly instalment
(36 maanden)
Total to be paid
(over 36 months)
Monthly instalment
(60 months)
Total to be paid
(over 60 months)
€ 1.000€ 28,80€ 1.036,80€ 17,70€ 1.062
€ 2.000€ 57,60€ 2.073,60€ 35,35€ 2.121
€ 3.000€ 86,40€ 3.110,40€ 53,05€ 3.183
€ 4.000€ 115,20€ 4.147,20€ 70,75€ 4.245
€ 5.000€ 144,00€ 5.184,00€ 88,45€ 5.307

The Annual Costs Percentage is 3.5%.

The examples are based on a personal loan. Other repayment periods and amounts are also possible.

My Portal

In My Portal you can track your loan.